The £27million scheme created by BMJ Architects in conjunction with main contractor BAM Construction features an internal street and social hub around dedicated centres on each side. The façade combines zinc shingles, glazing and base course block work.
Metal Technology’s System 8 low rise and System 17 high rise curtain walling have both been used in the scheme, with System 4-35 Hi Thermally Enhanced Casement Windows and System 5-20DHi+ Thermally Enhanced Doors completing this high performance glazing package.
System 8 low rise curtain walling is considered an optimum solution for expansive low rise glazed applications, while System 17 high rise offers limitless flexibility in design applications. Part of the <em>THERMAL</em> suite from Metal Technology, System 4-35 Hi casement windows and System 5-20D Hi+ doors offer enhanced thermal performance through the use of bespoke thermal components, all of which help to achieve impressively low U values.
All products in the Metal Technology range not only offer engineered durability in use but high levels of structural integrity, weather and thermal performance. Used in conjunction for this project, Metal Technology’s suite of systems provided a cost-effective solution with no compromise on either aesthetic or performance.

Southern General Hospital
BMJ Architects
Main Contractor
BAM Construction
Systems Used
System 8
System 4-35 Hi / Hi+
System 5-20 Hi+
System 17 High Rise