Metal Technology provided System 17 High Rise Curtain Walling, System 8 Low Rise Curtain Walling and System 4-20 casement windows fulfilling the architectural design needs across the multi-height façade at Collegelands.
System 17 and System 8 both offer the designer a wide range of profiles that provide structural integrity, weather performance and thermal enhancement. These systems share a range of feature caps for ultimate flexibility, enabling either system to be used on the same development without compromising the aesthetics of the installation. System 4-20 is a high performance top/side hung window solution offering a full range of outer frame and vent sections to accommodate all frame options.
As a system company, Metal Technology through ISO 9001 and 1400, offers quality systems that can achieve high levels of thermal efficiently and security while keeping our commitment to sustainable products. Effective sourcing and the use of recycled materials together with consideration in relation to environmental impact are all factors evaluated as part of the procurement package.
Designed by PagePark Architects working with the Dawn Group in partnership with Glasgow City Council, the Collegelands scheme is a key link to new projects in the city’s East End, including the 2014 Commonwealth Games Sports Arena and the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome. The first phase comprised 10,200m2 of office space, 250 student apartments and a multi-storey car park, transforming a former railway siding into a vibrant, new commercial, leisure and residential district.

Dawn Group
Linn-Tech Scotland Limited
Systems Used