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New Part L… We have you covered.

On the 15th of June, the latest changes to Part L of the building regulations comes into effect throughout England. These latest changes are intended to reduce carbon emissions from our buildings by a further 31%, compared to current levels, and have significant implications for the design and construction of our buildings, including the windows, doors and curtain walling.

Now that we have your attention, please be assured that there’s no need to panic just yet. There will be a 12 month transitional period whereby the current 2016/18 Document L regulations will continue to apply to any building which is subject to a building notice, full planning application or initial notice submitted before 15 June 2022. Provided the building work is started before 15 June 2023. The exception to this will be any domestic projects which fall under a ‘competent persons scheme’, such as FENSA, for replacement windows or doors in existing buildings. Such projects will be required to comply with these latest 2022 Document L requirements, as of the 15th of June.

In summary, the proposed changes will affect windows and doors as follows:
For new build dwellings the u-value for windows and glazed doors will become 1.6 W/m²K
For existing dwellings the u-value for windows and glazed doors* will become 1.4 W/m²K. Windows can also be band B within the Window Energy Rating scheme (WER) and doors can be band C within the Door Set Energy Rating scheme (DSER).
For non-domestic buildings, new and existing, the u-value for windows and doors will become 1.6 W/m²K. Windows in buildings similar to dwellings can also be band B within the Window Energy Rating scheme (WER) and glazed high usage entrance doors can have a u-value of 3.0 W/m²K.

* Doors with >60% internal face glazed.

Metal Technology’s current Therm_Al range of window and door systems, in conjunction with the correct glass specification, are designed to achieve compliance and exceed these latest 2022 Document L thermal requirements of the building regulations. We continue to develop new systems and improve our existing systems in order to meet and exceed these latest changes. We are constantly researching and developing new ways and new materials to help improve the thermal performance of our systems. These latest changes in the Document L building regulations are a further positive step towards the construction industry’s drive to decrease emissions by 75% in 2025 and to reach its nett zero target by 2050. At Metal Technology we are focused on the continual development of our glazing systems and on ensuring our customers have the products available to meet the thermal challenges that lie ahead. In the coming weeks we will be releasing further details on the new and exciting products we’re launching in order to further future proof our systems and enable our customers to meet and exceed the thermal challenges of Passive House.