Metal Technology invests in cutting edge polyamide technology
Metal Technology has added the latest generation Aluroller EVO polyamide insulation machine to its existing polyamide production facilities.
The Aluroller EVO, representing an investment of over €700,000, has been located in Metal Technology’s recent £2M 30000 sq ft factory extension to its existing Antrim headquarters.
The new machine, which inserts the polyamide strips in the company’s window and door profiles, uses the most advanced technology available in the market.
Using touch screen technology with ergonomic lift assist and air vacuum system to clamp the profiles the Aluroller EVO allows for less internal logistical handling, faster set up times between profiles and improved production quality with less wastage.
The machine also offers long term flexibility with the ability to insulate complex sections allowing for greater diversity as the thermal insulation of window and door profiles becomes more advanced.