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Launching Thermal System 25 Hi / Hi+ Triple Track Lift & Slide Door

As part of Metal Technology Ltd’s continual process of product improvement, we are delighted to advise you of the introduction of our TRIPLE TRACK System 25 Hi / Hi+ Thermal Lift and Slide door suite.

The 3-pane sliding stacking configuration allows the 1st and 2nd panes to slide behind the 3rd in order to achieve a substantial double pane opening, while still maintaining slim door frame sightlines.
 Maximum door leaf heights of 2800mm and door leaf widths of up to 2100mm are achievable in both the twin and triple track door configurations, with a maximum sash weight of 200Kg.

Both the twin and triple track doors have been successfully tested to BS 6375 for weather tightness and achieved results in excess of 600 Pa for air and water penetration, making the System 25 door suite suitable for use in even the most exposed locations within the UK and Ireland. System 25 Hi / Hi+ has also been successfully tested to the PAS 24 security standard and is approved for use in Secured By Design projects in both double pane and triple track configurations.

We have also introduced a triple glazed option to our standard twin track system with unit thicknesses up to 55mm and achievable door U values as low as 1.2 W/m2K.

To access the latest System 25 Hi / Hi+ brochure incorporating these options please click here

To access the System 25 Hi / Hi+ technical manual incorporating these options please click here

Our LogiKal estimating and production software has already been updated to incorporate these changes.