System 17 High Rise

System 17 High Rise Curtain Walling

Metal Technology's System 17 offers the designer a wide and diverse range of profiles that will provide structural integrity, weather performance and thermal enhancement. Considered a highly cost-effective, quality engineered glazing solution, System 17 complies with current British Standards and is considered as an appropriate option for expansive high rise glazed applications.

System 17 has been extended to provide the designer with a mono or dual pitch roof light system offering a complementary appearance to that of the vertical façade. All Metal Technology’s window and door systems are complementary to System 17 offering the designer complete versatility.

Available Revit Family Designs

  • Adjustable dimensions (width and height)
  • Adjustable mullions and transoms
  • Window vent/fixed light toggle switch

Revit Family Parameters

Model System 17HR
Manufacturer Metal Technology
Keynote Metal Technology System 17HR Curtain Walling
Description System 17HR (High Rise) Capped Curtain Walling


RFA files for each design show above.
General Arrangement Detail - CAD.
General Arrangement Detail - PDF.
Generic Specification - MS Word.
User Guide - PDF.